The dentist is concerned with diseases or possible discomfort in the mouth. The tasks of dentists are very broad, and vary according to the age of the patient. During childhood they are usually treated cavities and tooth malposition by braces, as patient age increases, treatments become more complex.
Although dentists today are much better prepared than a few decades ago, there is still a sector of the population that feels real panic to attend the consultation. Some queries used for those people with Dentophobia, alternative methods such that hypnosis to relax.
In any case, in the area of dentists, there's more specializations as only a few dentists are able to offer all dental services, and in many cases the work is divided. The "normal" are added dentist orthodontists, maxillofacial surgeons and specialists of all kinds.
Basically, the dentist can perform an impressive range of treatments. These can be a simple tooth extraction (extraction), undergoing a dental cleaning or deadness of a root (root canal) until the complete removal of a denture with implant integration. Treatments may be both localized (single tooth), to treat the entire mouth.
Frequent treatment (with more or less afraid)
One treatment that has a reputation for painful or uncomfortable is the deadness of a tooth. It is usually done when the nerve is damaged or it creates discomfort to the patient. What is usually done when the nerve is dead or infected, it is to seal the ducts to prevent bacteria from building up in him.The most common treatment is to paste a cavity. This is done with local anesthesia (as devitalization), which normally is not usually troublesome. Local anesthesia is used for almost all dental treatments, except for some cases where there is a lot of swelling, and anesthesia can not take effect.
Dental treatments are usually not covered by social security. Some dental insurance covers a percentage of treatment, others simply propose a list of clinics that have an agreement at discounted prices. But in the end we must bear in mind that for these dental insurance also have to pay when not needed. Feel free to compare online prices for your treatment, as this can vary from several thousand euros depending on what is done and who does it. Our service ComparaDentistas LRE helps to get treatment without having to pay more for the same thing, on the contrary. Only condition is to have a budget of a clinic with price. The rest is easy and fast.
It is advisable to go at least once a year to the dentist (preferably go every six months for a dental cleaning). Remember that being a dentist in Spain leads to a medical career, as well as a membership association that certifies dentists can practice the profession. The years of experience and professionalism dentist treatment often go hand in hand.
If you want to find a specialist for your needs, but at an attractive and affordable price you can use our service and receive best dentists registered. More than 1.2 million Euros of savings achieved for our users guarantee that you also find your new dentist at the right price.