Prices depending on the type of orthodontics (braces)

Just hearing the term only Brackets and head of the affected style image "The Scream" by Gustav Klimt plasma. BUT: Before you mad should find out about the different types of brackets there and the price you can have each of the solutions. If you look into the future it is to take Brackets not as "horrible" it may seem to you now. The result will be positive!. Watch this brief overview of the types of "devices" on the market and the approximate average prices.


Brackets: What are they?

Today 4 different brackets are used. All have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important to know what you going to get before you start treatment, since we are talking about a low not normally disbursement of € 2,000, and can easily climb above 4000 €.
The brackets are mainly used to properly align the teeth and correct malposciones and dental malocclusion. It is a treatment that is often long and requires frequent visits to the dentist has placed.

What types of braces available?

Traditional metal braces

They are the most common and brackets are made of high quality stainless steel. Straighten the tooth using the bracket and arch metal. Usually the cheapest of the 4 types, but have the disadvantage of being unsightly. Gums may be employed to decorate the bracket (color), and doing so more aesthetic. The price of the metal bracket is usually about 2500-3000 € per arch, more treatment behind.

Self-ligating bracket (also: Damon)

This type of bracket is similar to metal (the same material) but instead of using ligatures, brackets are attached by a clip (by passing the wire).
Remains an eyesore, but it has the advantage of not using elastic pressure on the tooth is smaller and requires fewer adjustments. Dental visits are less frequent. The price for self-ligating brackets moves between € 3,500 and € 4,000.

Transparent or ceramic brackets (also Sapphire)

These brackets are made of ceramic and are  transparent, so they are much more aesthetic than metal. The color comes into harmony with the mouth since they are the color of tooth enamel. These brackets are widely used in young people and older with aesthetic concerns. These brackets are more aesthetic, but also need more attention because they stain more easily and are more fragile than metal. As for the cost, we are talking about a pretty big jump, as each arch can cost about 4000, 4500 euros, not counting the price of monthly treatment.


 Invisalign braces resembling a transparent cover and removable acrylic material. This case straightens your teeth like conventional brackets. The great advantage of Invisalign is that it is completely transparent and is removable, so you can eat the foods you want. It also lets you brush your teeth completely normal, and are very comfortable. What can throw you back is its price: not usually drop below 3000 euros, and can reach 5,000 depending on the complexity of the treatment.

Lingual bracket

This is another kind of invisible orthodontics. Lingual appliances are not in sight. They are hidden behind the tooth, and therefore do not pose an aesthetic problem when smiling. The bracket is fully established as to take the shape of each tooth. The price for linguale bracket? 2,900 euros for single and 5,500 cases in complex cases.
As you see are high costs, but we think worth it if you decide to wear braces. Although the possible sacrifice for you you can look too should think about one thing: A beautiful smile have life, just a foreseeable time brackets.