Dentists abroad low prices - for what reason?
It 'simple, the Eastern European countries are more competitive than Italy. As for the industrial sector, also for that of the health services we are seeing for years the relocation of production. In this guide I compare the average prices of Italian dentists with the average charged by clinics in Eastern Europe. The only comparison grip of average tariff examined in this guide should be 'analyzed critically. I remind you that the prices of production services, in Italy, affecting production costs significantly higher than in countries of Eastern Europe.Average rates of dentists in eastern Europe and in Italy.
I tried the average prices charged by dentists in Italy (dall'ANDI detected in its nomenclature published in 2009). Regarding the average prices in Eastern Europe, I picked average prices (public) of more than 30 clinics on the internet. Analyze seven of the major dental benefits of common practice and I've calculated the average price.
Average prices of dentists in Italy and abroad:
Prices Italy * Eastern Europe **
Fillings € 120 € 70
Devitalization molar € 350 € 150
Capsule Single € 600 € 200
Prosthetics total € 1,350 € 500
Partial denture € 1200 € 600
Bridge 3 elements € 1800 € 600
Dental implants € 1750 € 900
* Dentists in Italy prices based on average minimum and maximum rates set out in the Tariff Nomenclature and ANDI 2009.
** Dentists abroad prices calculated on the average of those exposed on the Internet (publicly) over 30 clinics involved in the phenomenon of Dental Tourism.
Comparing average prices:
- Fillings averages 41.70%, 48
- Dental Implants 48.60%, 50
- Partial dentures 50%, 57
- Devitalization molar 57.20%, 63
- Prosthetics total 63%, 66
- Crown / Capsule 66.66% single, 66
- Bridge 3 items 66.66%, 56
- 56.20% Average savings
Calculated ratio: the average of the minimum and maximum rates set out in the NHS and ANDI Tariff of 2009 and the average of the prices displayed (publicly on the internet) of more than 30 clinics involved in the phenomenon of Dental Tourism.
Therefore, dentists abroad prices lower average of about 56.2%, it can be said that regardless teeth in Eastern Europe, can save more than half. Dental implants have a cost of almost half, in some cases, to work exclusively prosthetic, you get to saving tips that were close to 70%.